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Writer: Brother HOPEBrother HOPE

Numbers are a “Clue” left to us from....

LOVE by any other name. A “trail of breadcrumbs” if you want to call it that. Everything in these numbers 0-9 has been left for us to remember our connection and allow us to Evolve and Return to LOVE.


"In The Beginning"

0 “Zero” - “ONE” – Everything, Nothing – Creation and Deconstruction – ALL – Wholeness – Beginning and The End – “Sanskrit for Zero” KA (each number 0 – 9 being a ONE syllable sound “Frequency” in Sanskrit) – The sound a crow makes (one of the oldest known pagan animals associated with Magic) – Dark and Light – ONE (O – Everything and Nothing, N – Nothing, E – Everything) – Portals – Zero Point Field – Field of Unlimited Possibilities – Feminine and Masculine Energy of Creation – The FIRST Sphere in the Flower of Life – the moment of conscious awareness of the Source of This Universe and MOVEMENT of Creation by a conscious thought – The “before” the sphere of creation, The Nothing - Never ending circle, forever in motion – The Torus Field

WHOLENESS – if you take anything that is WHOLE and split it in any angles or shapes, every angle and Shape within that becomes a digital base root of 9 (The Frequency of The Universe) I.e. The dimensions of a Whole are 360 degrees = 9, Split a Whole into 2 and you get 180 degrees = 9, etc. It also “keeps” the 0 “Zero” in the equation at all times, much like the Platonic Solids do.

  • Tetrahedron – 720 (9 and 0)

  • Hexahedron – 2160 (9 and 0)

  • Ocathedron – 1440 (9 and 0)

  • Icosahedron - 3600 (9 and 0)

  • Dodecahedron - 6480 (9 and 0)

If you take a Whole and split it into 3 (keeping with the 369) then each third becomes something entirely amazing

  • 1/3 - .333 “to infinity”

  • 2/3 - .666 “to infinity”

  • 3/3 - .999 “to infinity”

That is a WHOLE – that is the true ONE – Infinity



1 “ONE” – Masculine Energy (straight line) – a straight path – the “first” step in becoming WHOLE

Individualism rising to become Complete (9) and then back to Wholeness (0) – everything divisible by 1 to become itself once again, remembering who you are and have always been – the One – “Sanskrit for 1” KA also representing Wholeness and ONE, TA, PA, YA (waiting for the significance of these to download) – The Flower shows me 6 frequencies (Connection) in the 9 (Frequency) become the 3 (Balance) keys become the ONE – The first sphere in the Flower of Life

2 RA

"Let there be..."

2 - “Sanskrit for 2” RA (light energy from a “solar logos” – what was later changed to RA “Sun God” attempting to transform the vibrational frequency of LIGHT into a purely Masculine form instead of the Combined energies as it is supposed to be) also KHA (pronounced “KA” because it too is of the frequency 0 and THA, PHA (waiting for the significance of these to download)

If you divide anything into 2 you get “one half” of the Whole – if you multiply anything by 2 you get double or a “higher octave” of frequency – it is how Pythagoras took the Platonic Solids and found the “Notes” within them and how their octaves are set up – doubling themselves – C# = 2160 (Hexahedron fifth octave), F# = 720 (Tetrahedron third octave) = 1440 (Octahedron fourth octave), A# = 3600 (Icosahedron fifth octave), etc. – FYI – the one frequency he left out was the Dodecahedron = 6480 hz (Sixth Octave of a note that is found between G# and A# - the octave of the 432hz would put this note/frequency at 405hz)

You can divide a number by two or multiply a number by 2 forever – This is the truest number when it comes to the Macro and Micro of everything that is as it goes on to INFINITY


"If you only knew the magnificence..."

3 – BALANCE - Energy, Vibration, Frequency – Body, Mind and Spirit – The 3 Keys of the Arc (Sound “Vibration”, Light “Frequency”, Love “Energy”) – “If you knew the magnificence of the 3,6 and 9 you would have a “Key” to the Universe” ~ Nikola Tesla – The “Wholely” Trinity – Body (Vibration), Mind (Frequency), Spirit (Energy)

The 3 Earth Chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus), The 3 Spirit Chakras (Throat, Third Eye, Crown) combining in the center to become the 3 Heart Chakras (Root and Crown “Connection to Physical and Etheric”, Third Eye and Sacral “Creation through True Sight”, Solar Plexus and Throat “Power of Truth”)

3 (Balance)+3=6 (Connection) 3+6=9 (Frequency of the Universe), “Wholy Trinity” (Feminine, Masculine, ONE) – “Sanskrit for 3” GA DA BA LA (first “words” sounds from the mouth of a baby – The Child) – Masculine and Feminine becoming ONE through their energy a new Creation

The 3 Sounds (Chime “Earth”, Crystal Bowl “Ether”, US chanting “Connection Between”) – The 3 Masculine doing a different sound (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus), The 3 Feminine doing a different sound (Throat, Third Eye, Crown)

Take 3 consecutive numbers and add them together and they will always equal 3, 6, or 9 – I.e. 012=3, 123=6, 234=9 and so on to infinity

Take 3 identical numbers and add them together and they will always equal 3 6 or 9 – I.e. 111=3, 222=6, 333=9, 171717=24=6, 149149149=15=6, 212121=9


"We call upon the four directions"

4 – PHYSICAL – The 4 elements and Platonic Solids of this Physical Plane of existence – Earth (Hexahedron), Air (Octahedron) Fire (Tetrahedron) Water (Icosahedron) – Physically everything we exist of

Masculine (made up of 4 lines converging into a triangle pointing upwards – but also beginning to make another triangle which would point downward for the Feminine energy as it continues on its path)

The path to Eternity as once it’s complete it will become an 8 – The Arc is made and utilized using the 4 Elements (buried in the Earth, bottom filled with Water, top filled with Air, Underneath the “Solar Logos” in our sky Fire – we are in The Arc and we physically are made of all 4 elements) – “Sanskrit for 4” DHA (the same one syllable word for 9) GHA BHA VA (waiting for the significance of these to download)


"Ring, Ring, Ring"

5 – DODECAHEDRON – The only Platonic Solid made from Pentagons – The Fifth Element – The Missing Element (Spirit) – Coming together to become WHOLE within US – Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit

The Element that Pythagoras left out of his equations for his music scale – The Element the “religious” factions removed from The Tarot

The Missing Link between Connection – Dodecahedron is a 12-sided Pentagon (12 = 3 = Balance ‘see above’) of 5 sides x 108 degree corners (look up the significance of 108) = 540 degrees x 12 sides = 6480 degrees or 6480hz frequency, which is the ringing in your ear.

This is Spirit talking to you – This also represents ALL 5 Platonic Solids at once – Hexahedron (Earth), Octahedron (Air), Tetrahedron (Fire), Icosahedron (Water), Dodecahedron (Spirit) – We are the 5 – We are ALL Platonic Solids together to become the perfect “conduit” for the Energy of the Etheric to Manifest into the Physical Realm – “Sanskrit for 5” MA (Mother) GNA NA SA (waiting for the significance of these to download)


"All you need is LOVE"

6 – LOVE – CONNECTION – HARMONY – HARMONICS – This is the frequency of LOVE – When you take 6 of anything and put it together in a perfect Harmony it becomes ONE – WHOLE

6 Chakra become Heart Chakras – 6 Notes become WHOLE NOTE

6 60 degree angles become a Circle “O” “0” “Zero”

Ever expanding Fibonacci sequence spiraling out from the Beginning “The Void, The Nothing, The Zero point filed of Unlimited Possibilities” – Ever contracting spiral going from the outside IN to Infinity - 528hz = 15 = 6 (Heart Chakra Frequency) – the only frequency within the Chakras that isn’t of the 9 of the Universe – the only Frequency of Nature that isn’t of the digital base root of 9

Take 6 frequencies of 9 to Activate the Heart (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Throat, Third Eye, Crown – becomes The Heart) – The 6 of the 369 – This was left as the Clue to Connection between your Physical and Etheric self

One half of Yin Yang (9 being the other half) “Sanskrit for 6” CA (sounds like KA) TA SA (waiting for the significance of these to download) – The number of sides to a Hexagon (The perfect shape to build ANY structure with) – A Hexagon made of 6 sides of 120 degree angles (1+2 = 3 “Balance” and 0 “ONE”) – 3+6=9 – Take 6 Consecutive numbers and add them together and they will always equal 36 or 9 for infinity – I.e. 5+6+7+8+9+10=45=9, etc. Take 6 of the same number and add them together and they will always equal 3 6 or 9 to infinity – I.e. 111111=6, 171717171717=102=3, 102310231023102310231023=6138=18=9


"and on the Seventh Day"

7 – ACTIVATION – 7 Main Chakra centers (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown) – this was left as a clue to have humans work on their chakra energy centers found in the center of our bodies - If you look at a perfect 7 it is partial 60 degree angle – one half of a triangle. A downward facing triangle (Feminine) – Part of a MerKaBa – which is only activated by Masculine and Feminine energies converging together – which can be achieved by the 7 chakra centers of oneself

The 7 is also the “missing” lines that would connect the 4 together (completing the line going out the right side “Masculine” and the line going down “Feminine” of the 4) becoming something New – The Full Seed of Life “Genesis Pattern” as a drawing (One circle in the center, 6 circles phased within it on the outside) – When all Chakra are merged within each other, flowing smoothly, then Activation Happens – “Sanskrit for 7” CHA (sounds like KA) THA SA (waiting for the significance of these to download)


"The portal within"

8 – TORUS – INFINITY – ETERNITY – This is the Flow of Energy through the Torus Field – if you take 8 7 Circled Seeds of Life and put them together in a continuing forward movement they become the Torus Field 8+7=15 = 6 (LOVE) – This is the Lemniscate “Symbol of Infinity” – The Beginning, The End and the In-Between

The Portal to The Field of Unlimited Possibilities – The Vortex – The Hourglass – The X – The Zero Point Field – The convergence of Nothing and Everything – The Dark Matter becoming Light Matter and back again – “Sanskrit for 8” HA (sound of Joy, Laughter, Bliss, sound used by ancient martial artists to focus CHI and access their true inner power) JA DA (waiting for the significance of these to download)


This is the digital base root Frequency of EVERYTHING of Nature within this entire Universe. This is the frequency of everything from the spinning Fibonacci sequence of a Galaxy to the infinitesimally small frequency of a Platonic Solid and beyond – Everything in this Universe is of The 9

The 9 is the opposite yet same as the 6 - Ever expanding Fibonacci sequence spiraling out from the Beginning “The Void, The Nothing, The Zero point filed of Unlimited Possibilities” – Ever contracting spiral going from the outside IN to Infinity – The other half to the Yin Yang (6 being the other) – The sine wave Frequency (a completed sine wave form) – The Clue to the 9 Chakras (3 Earth, 3 Spirit to become the 3 Heart) 3+3+3=9 – 3+3=6 3+6=9 – This is the 9 in the 369 – Look up the Significance of the 9 in Geometry, Time, History, etc and you will see that Everything in Creation is of The 9 (Seen below are an insignificantly small portion of the connection to the 9) – ALL of these examples and every synchronicity of The 9 is only to get you to understand that Everything is the 9 and since Everything is Energy, Vibration transforms Energy, then 9 is the Frequency to use if you wish to utilize the Energy of This Universe – “Sanskrit for 9” DHA (my Initials) JHA (still waiting for the significance of this to download) - The Arc is an Amplifier, A Generator, A Conduit, A Resonance Chamber and so much more of The 9

Significance of 9 in GEOMETRY and PLATONIC SOLIDS

There is a ZERO (the beginning) and a NINE (the completion) in EVERY equation for the Platonic Solids

Sphere = 360 degrees | 3 + 6 + 0 = 9 Triangle = 3 x 60 degrees = 180 degrees | 1 + 8 + 0 = 9 Tetrahedron = 180 degrees x 4 sides = 720 degrees | 7 + 2 + 0 = 9 Octagon = 135 degrees x 8 = 1080 degrees | 1 + 0 + 8 + 0 = 9 Octahedron = 180 degrees x 8 sides = 1440 degrees | 1 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 9 Star Tetrahedron = 180 degrees x 8 sides = 1440 degrees | 1 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 9 *Star Tetrahedron is a phased Tetrahedron that exists within itself Icosahedron = 180 degrees x 20 sides = 3600 degrees | 3 + 6 + 0 + 0 = 9 Square = 4 x 90 degrees = 360 degrees | 3 + 6 + 0 = 9 Hexagon = 6 x 120 degrees = 720 degrees | 7 + 2 + 0 = 9 Hexahedron = 360 degrees x 6 sides = 2160 degrees | 2 + 1 + 6 + 0 = 9 Pentagon = 5 x 108 degrees = 540 degrees | 5 + 4 + 0 = 9 Dodecahedron = 540 degrees x 12 sides = 6480 degrees | 6 + 4 + 8 + 0 = 18 | 1 + 8 = 9

The following are some links that will help you understand more:

click on any of the video channels

this will show you what I’m working on with this knowledge from above - this will show you the sonics within the Geometry - this is a great video on explaining significance of 9

So this is the just the Very Basics to what I’m interpreting about the numbers 0 – 9 from my connection to Akashic Records.

Eye know, these are all clues on how to “Remember” which will give us full access to the Energy which we are made of, from LOVE.

These “numbers” are here to help us find out way back HOME.


2 comentarii

Star Hegler
Star Hegler
21 dec. 2021

I appreciate all of the hard work you have done to bring this together for all of humanity. Now, if we would all just take the action required, to tap into this amazing energy...Knowledge, in Action, is power.

(Star Hegler)


Christa Michele
Christa Michele
20 iul. 2021

Thank you for putting All this together, it really helps💚💚💚

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